Over the past generation, the number of people living with diabetes has quadrupled, necessitating a daily routine filled with finger pricking to test blood glucose levels. Founded in 2015, DiaMonTech pioneered a groundbreaking technology for helping people manage their blood glucose levels without finger pricking, needles and test strips. The company’s patented pain-free laser-based detection is as easy to use as the fingerprint sensor on a smartphone. An industry first, DiaMonTech monitors the actual glucose molecules in skin, providing users with a more comprehensive and accurate reading comparable to traditional blood glucose monitors.
Unorthodox ventures’ impact
With a full engineering team on staff, Unorthodox Ventures helps partner companies file for patents and prepare for full-scale manufacturing. We also offer assistance with entering the American market and helped DiaMonTech as it prepared to open its first office here.
Assisted DiaMonTech in entering
Provided technical
on groundbreaking technology
“Unorthodox Ventures understands the status quo is never good enough, and that really resonated with our work here. The company’s support is helping us bring our life-improving technology to the hundreds of millions who need it.”
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